BREAKFAST CLUB, Warragul CBD ? Sunday 12th May

The Mothers? Day Breakfast Club gathering is always one of the less well-attended events on our calendar, add to that a dreary forecast with wet roads from overnight rain and it was a surprise that our numbers were as high as they were. I counted 70 vehicles at one stage, so it was far from a disappointing turnout and as usual, there were several vehicles making a debut appearance.

For Subaru WRX aficionados, the first-generation models built in the 1990s are always popular and this month Tony Pisa brought along his latest purchase; a silver, four-door WRX sedan that he relieved one of his customers of – it needs a bit of a tidy up, but there?s no denying its classic status.

Peter King likes his Italian cars and has recently become the owner of a 2003 Alfa Romeo Spider. This well looked-after silver example is powered by the 2-litre twin spark engine and could be described as being a bit more civilised than his 40 year-old Fiat 124 Spider. Another model from the middle of last century making its debut Breakfast Club appearance, was an immaculate Old English White MGA coupe with chrome wire wheels ? a very pretty car and quite rare. At the other end of the spectrum, but also making its debut appearance, was Jaime Drysdale?s new Jeep Wrangler looking very purposeful in black on black and bristling with off-road accessories.

A very-well-presented black and chrome ?57 Chev drove down from Noojee to join us this month and Paul Montagnat?s son brought along his new Chev Camaro which is one of the American production cars being imported and then converted to right-hand-drive by HSV in Melbourne.

Despite the weather there were plenty of convertibles on display, although most had their soft or hardtops erected in case of showers. Doug Armour defied the conditions and to the delight of all those present, drove his flat-head V8 Ford-powered Fiat Special in from Nilma. Thankfully, the weather held off and everyone was able to enjoy a dry event with the wet roads clearing up well before the drive home.

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One Response to BREAKFAST CLUB, Warragul CBD ? Sunday 12th May

  1. Rick says:

    An Avanti and an Avant!

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