Sunday 24th November – GARFIELD CAR SHOW #1

I wandered down to the first Garfield Car Show with the Fiat Dino. About 180 cars rocked up, which was not a bad performance, considering the weather.? Cars came from as far afield as Hoppers Crossing and Puckapunyal which is a testament to the ??Field of Dreams’ concept, “If you build it, they will come”.

There were plenty of Oz and US cars as well as Rods, many mint and others obviously regular drivers. With plenty of people wandering through there was always someone to chat to, which was the main reason to go. There were 16 award categories for cars and 3 for bikes, thus providing plenty of trophies to go round – for most…. I didn’t stay on for the presentations, leaving after the 4th rain shower of the day. Summing the event up – if you have an English or Euro car at this type of event, you have Buckley’s chance of winning anything (especially if the judges are wearing SEMA jackets or GM tees). However, all jokes aside, there were some very classy cars there and we had a nice morning chatting with enthusiasts – it sure beats mowing lawns. The pics show a couple of the very well presented classic Fords.



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