Monthly Archives: July 2016

OPEN GARAGE and GARDEN at LONGMORE?S in TYERS ? Sunday 24th July

I?ve lost track of how many Open Garage and Garden events Graham and Marg have hosted at their home in Tyers, but like many Sporting Register members, I?ve attended and enjoyed each one. Graham?s garages are quite humble, but the … Continue reading

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JULY MONTHLY MEETING, Drouin Golf Club ? Thursday 14th July.

We had advertised that Mark McKibbin?s recently acquired Austin Seven Special was to be the display car at our July meeting, but when it arrived down south from Darwin, Mark couldn?t resist the urge to pull it to pieces. Its … Continue reading

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JULY BREAKFAST CLUB, Warragul CBD ? Sunday 10th July

The morning dawned foggy but dry, there?d been no overnight rain and the empty roads were beckoning. ??Our sports and classic car owners are a hardy bunch, quite a few travelled roofless, but well rugged up to our early morning … Continue reading

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