Monthly Archives: March 2020

MID-WEEK RUN, NOOJEE HOTEL – Wednesday 18th March

What a great day! The March Midweek Run to Noojee exceeded all expectations. These runs are proving very popular as evidenced by the 21 cars and 37 members setting out from Darnum after a cosy coffee and chat at ?The … Continue reading

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MARCH MONTHLY MEETING, Drouin Golf Club ? Thursday 12th March

Last month?s mention of the protocols for parking outside the Clubrooms seems to have been heeded this month, even though a closer look at the badges on some of the sedans may have been required to establish their sporting or … Continue reading

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BREAKFAST CLUB, Warragul CBD ? Sunday 8th March

I arrived at the Woolies? car-park at 7:45 and already the triangular section was almost full. The morning was sunny, but the wind was very cool. For a change, I took my 1947 Dodge short-tray truck which is all original … Continue reading

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PHILLIP ISLAND CLASSIC, Weekend 7th & 8th March

Historic racing is drawing huge fields these days with cars and quite often drivers from eras that many regard as being the Golden Age of motorsport, doing what they do best. Whether it be the turbo-era Ford Sierra touring cars, … Continue reading

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