THREE LAKES RUN – Sunday 11th November

We had 18 cars join us on this great tour that left at 10.30 after the HUGE Breakfast Club gathering on Sunday 11th November.
John Weymouth with help from Bob Murphy had organised a scenic tour of about 90 kms on the north side of the freeway taking in three water holding areas. Crews had a number of observational questions to complete as we went along. It was a wonderful sunny warm day for the 9 convertibles and 9 tin-tops taking part. We had four brand new members taking part in their first run with us as well ? Gordon and Ruth Ward in their Jag XJ6, Mike and Dianne Whitford in their SLK Mercedes, Rod Dawes in his Morris Minor series one convertible, and Sandra Goddard in her ?new? MGB (first trip).
We also had the Irelands, Hammonds (Triumph TR4), Richards, Witneys (Monaro), Jollys (Corvette), Pisas (Diahatsu Compangno), Riley (Porsche), Eccles, Crowthers (Honda S2000), Cropleys, Downies (M-Benz), Weymouths (modern), Murphys (Porsche) and myself (Sprite) on the run.
We set off to the north of Warragul then came back towards Nilma, but some missed the Stuhrs road turnoff and went the long way to Yarragon. From Yarragon we went along theNorthCanalroad which still had a lot of potholes after the ?wet?, but we managed to miss them before going north along the Traf ?Willow Grove Rd.Then it was on to the Old Sale road turn off- which some nearly missed as it turns off hard right. It was another wonderful drive along this winding section and into the outer edge of Moe. From here it was off to our first lake ? Lake Narracan for a ?comfort? stop.
From there it was just a short winding run up and down hills past the nearby Haunted Hills Hill-climb track off Coach Road to our next ?lake?. This was viewed from ?Gate 178? on the Yallourn North Rd, where we looked down into the pit that used to have the old Yallourn township above it. This Open-cut coal pit is now flooded after the river embankment gave way some months back, and so it became the second ?lake? to view. Many of us gradually rolled in, and gathered here for the view, a chat, and we had a great photo opportunity in the sun. From here we went off through the township of Yallourn North – where some got lost and missed a question, before travelling back west to the Walhalla road where we turned right and went north once again.
We toured along this Walhalla road for a short while, before we did a sharp right-hand turn uphill to the long straight up and down hill drive to the Moondarra Dam Picnic ground and our finish. Many of us went down to the dam wall for a look first, but it was unfortunate that the steep road had just been re-surfaced with small stones on a now warm and sticky tar base.? I guess that will take some cleaning off for some cars.
The picnic area had a large car turn-around area, plenty of trees with tables here and there, the necessary toilet block, a BBQ, and it was a lovely setting in which to finish. After tables had been set up, we all settled down for a chat about the run, the cars, had our lunches and a wander around. Then John, Bob and his helpers tallied up the points for the questions and made his announcements. There were three couples who came in equal second ?Lorraine and Allan Richards in the MG Midget,Wayne and Colleen Eccles in their MGB, and new members Mike and Dianne Whitford in their SLK Mercedes coupe. Equal first and congratulations went to Bill and Wendy Cropleyi n their newly refurbished (again) Mustang (first day out), together with Greg and Dianne Ireland in their Porsche.
It was noted that the tin-tops beat the soft-tops, but I am not sure what can be read into that – apart from the ease of reading and writing without a breeze interacting with things, and perhaps the all-encompassing wonderful views available in the soft-tops that may have distracted those crews.
Overall, the roads were great for driving on, the views were beautiful, the weather could not have been better, the variety of cars to admire was excellent, and the company was stimulating. It was a very entertaining, enjoyable, and ?magic? tour, thanks to John & Bob.
John Fowler

Pictures by Bruce Crowther

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