OPEN GARAGE and GARDEN at the Schmidt’s – Sunday 25th November

Unlike previous garages visited this year which were either single buildings or a cluster of several buildings, Steve?s collection of sheds are scattered around the house end of a 250-metre long sealed driveway. The main shed is divided into his and hers areas, the gardening side is an automotive No-Go zone, but it is slowing creeping into his workshop, which this day served as the entertaining area. This shed features a 10? long, 6? deep pit, a small lathe, a big compressor and usually houses the 2 daily drivers as well as the racing Cooper S. Attached to that is the ?wood-shed? where dry firewood is stored next to the Bugeye Sprite. The two Fiats live in a separate shed called the ?Dummy Grid? further back up the driveway, then there?s the woodworking shed, the trailer shed and the other garden shed. There?s also evidence in the form of 6 upright posts in a recently paved area, of another shed soon to be under construction.
The gardens and lawn area surrounding the house are also extensive and take up 2 acres of the 3 acre property, the third acre being a thickly planted wood lot of 25-year old native hardwood trees.
It was tremendous to see so many members making the best of this opportunity and the beautiful Spring weather to bring out their special cars. The view down the driveway of gleaming sports and classic cars amid the Bottlebrushes and Lilly Pillys was spectacular.

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