Holiday USA – Stan Hodgson.

We are on our way driving around the heartland of the USA and thought some Sporting Register members might be interested in some holiday snaps.
We started in Sioux Falls, South Dakota then joined an annual bike ride for four days across Iowa. We then headed for Chicago, Detroit and Toronto, and we are now in Niagara Falls heading for Memphis then Mexico & Cuba!
We visited the Ford complex in Detroit which was magnificent. The assembly line of the F150 truck was amazing. Two 10-hour shifts. 1000 people on each shift. Only two 10-minute breaks and a half-hour for lunch. Pay is $15 – $17  per hour – more if in they are in the union.
Visited a great Museum of Natural History of America – human rights, aeroplanes, Presidents cars and even the one Kennedy was shot in.

Regards Stan & Marita Hodgson

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