It was a pleasant sight to see?so many sporting and classic cars amidst the lillypillys and flowering bottle brushes of our lengthy driveway on this Cup Day long-weekend Sunday.? It was perhaps not the best weekend to hold an Open Garage and Garden, as it unfortunately clashed with the Sporting Register?s very well supported, 4-day tour of the Lakes, but with the garden having been open the previous weekend for Baw Baw Shire?s Gardivalia program, it was a timely opportunity to invite the Club along.

Extensive gardens surround the house and spread down into the forested wood lot where the newer plantings shelter from the wind behind strategically placed and stacked firewood fences. The house gardens feature a broad range of roses, azaleas and camellias with timber trellises and other structures upon which ornamental vines and other climbers flourish.

Several timber-clad sheds house Steve?s collection of sporting vehicles and a workshop, as well as a separate wood-working shed that serves in keeping the sawdust well and truly away from any automotive projects. On show in the workshop, the current project on display featured the makings of a historic racing Cooper S which is being built for Sporting Register member and local panel shop proprietor Tim Wilkinson. The mechanical components have now been totally rebuilt and the shell is currently having some rust-affected and damaged panels repaired prior to painting. Once the bodywork has been completed the car will be returned here for reassembly.

On this morning, Jenny set up tea and coffee makings with slices and hot cocktail frankfurts in the other half of the workshop which is usually occupied by her turbo Forester. The weather was quite pleasant and a number of members enjoyed a tour of the garden. It was nice to see so many members, some of whom had travelled considerable distances, enjoying each other?s company and what we had to offer at our property. If there are any other members considering opening their garage for a club visit, please mention it to one of our committee members and we?ll try to assist in any way we can.

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One Response to OPEN GARAGE & GARDEN AT THE SCHMIDT?S ? Sunday 1st November

  1. Paul Rayment says:

    Thanks for opening your Home to us…we enjoyed the drive and the day.


    Paul & Lee rayment

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