The fact that restrictions on non-essential travel are forcing many sports and classic cars into hibernation does not mean that we miss out entirely on our monthly Breakfast Club gathering. Thanks to Internet technology we have assembled here well in excess of 150 of our members? vehicles in lockdown. I also believe that many of these vehicles are making their Breakfast Club debut ? there are too many to comment on each one, but a few of note are Ed Denovan?s recently acquired, red V6 Alfa 33 which is the sedan version of the Alfetta GTV with its V6 engine up front and transaxle at the rear. Paul Montagnat has brought himself a yellow Mk.VII Bolwell which runs the Holden 186ci red motor, and Rob Nolan has just fitted red plates to his white Mercedes SL500. Also sporting a new set of red plates is Pete Evans? AC Cobra replica ? all dressed up with nowhere to go! I am also taking this opportunity to welcome our first international Breakfast Club participant, Greg Noller. Greg and his wife Jane were members of our club several years ago before they moved to New Zealand. Greg still keeps in touch and has sent in a shot of his white MGA enduring lockdown near Christchurch.

It?s a sad state of affairs when you are doing more mileage on your ride-on lawn mower than in the sports cars, but fuel economy of these cars is now approaching 4 weeks per litre, so it?s not all bad. Club Permit cars are still able to be driven in compliance with the travel restrictions, so your correspondent?s Marcos was given a run into town last week, taking advantage of the offer of a free flu shot for citizens of advancing age. In the clinic?s car park I was greeted by the receptionist with paperwork to fill out, then a doctor and nurse in full personal-protective gear appeared and asked me to hop back in the car so that they could administer the shot whilst I reclined in the very low driver?s seat ? I guess it?s less distance to fall in case I fainted ! They had to kneel down to reach my arm, but both found the experience quite amusing.? The Z4 Bimmer was feeling annoyed at having a much-anticipated, 4-day Snowy Mountain run cancelled at the last minute by tighter travel restrictions, so to keep it alive, it was requisitioned recently for shopping duties. The Z4 however, is not an ideal vehicle for such tasks – with the folding hardtop retracted into the boot there?s only room for three shopping bags on the passenger seat and footwell, luckily, I was flying solo!

I hope you enjoy perusing the shots in the attached galleries. I thank all those who made the effort to send photographs in. Club members who sent in multiple shots of their collection will find all their cars grouped together. Apart from the last four shots in the final gallery, each of which arrived well after the deadline, the photos are arranged roughly in alphabetical order by the owner?s given name – unless your name is Robert and you are called Bob!

 Please take the opportunity to comment on this post or any of the individual photographs through the REPLY BOX at the bottom of the page. If you have not commented on a post before, your response may not appear on the screen instantaneously – it has to go through moderation before being accepted. Once accepted, all your future comments will bypass moderation and be posted on the screen instantly.

Stay sane out there,


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11 Responses to VIRTUAL BREAKFAST CLUB ? Sunday 12th April

  1. Glenn says:

    Great idea for a virtual event in difficult times
    Fantastic array of cars

  2. John Fowler says:

    Congratulations Steve. A great concept. And we see some rather special garages there as well. Some wonderful Motoring Memorabilia has been collected by a lot of members too. Cheers
    John F

  3. Ian Maud says:

    Beaut! Thanks Steve – would have taken a good while to put all those together. What a wonderfully diverse collection we have in our local (and not so local) sheds. I was imagining what will happen when we are allowed to run events again: would we have 150 cars at the first social drive? Would be a lot of people eager to get out and have a run!

  4. Grant Buck says:

    Thank you so very much – fantastic effort to get all of this together. Happy Easter everyone! Stay safe. Grant Buck.

  5. Stanley Hodgson says:

    Thanks Steve you do an amazing job Great Idea! Happy Easter to everyone, great to be back on home soil. Didn’t mind the door knock from the local Bobbies. The system works. Now out of self Hibernation. Stan & Marita.

  6. Allan Richards says:

    Congratulations Steve, you have put together a great selection of cars, as JF said it was also interesting to see some of the garages. I especially loved the NA MX5 with the mask.
    It was interesting trying to put owners names to the various cars,
    Happy Easter everyone, stay safe and well, remember everyday this goes on is one day closer to being able to take our classics out again.
    Allan R.

  7. Jane Vollebregt says:

    Thanks Steve. It’s a wonderful reminder of what we’ll be doing when this is all over: driving! Oh how I miss it! Happy Easter everyone

  8. Robert Nolan says:

    Thx Steve. You keep everyone’s spirits alive by doing things like this!
    It’s good to see cars in a miss match of positions, tucked away awaiting some sunshine when the time comes. And like Allan R said, putting names to pictures, is an interesting mystery! Well done again!
    Easter joy, safety & best wishes going forward to everyone!

  9. John Stoker says:

    Great get together to keep the car flame alive. And such a excellent turn-out. Now I feel compelled to raise the standard of my car shed – after seeing the high, near medicinal pristine quality of some car storages.

  10. Bob Speed says:

    Great concept and fantastic array of cars (and tractor). Yes my shed/garage needs some work too – one reason why my photo was outside.
    Thanks Steve and all the contributors.

  11. Jenny Honey says:

    Glad your “advancing age” hasn’t diminished your skills at putting together this collection. Very enjoyable and a terrific idea. Thanks.
    Jenny Honey

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