DECEMBER BREAKFAST CLUB, Warragul CBD – Sunday 8th December

Your editor arrived in his Bugeye? conscientiously a few minutes before 8am to set up the half a dozen marker cones which we use to deter non-sporting or classic car owners from parking in the lower section of the Woolworths’ car park that we’ve claimed as our own. I need not have bothered packing the cones, however,? because there were already about 20 special vehicles in position when I rolled up – with more arriving every minute. As it turned out, this month’s gathering attracted over 90 sports and classic cars as well as several motorcycles, making it the largest gathering we’ve ever had at one of these mornings. Luckily, I had remembered to bring along some membership application forms and spare magazines, as we picked up at least a couple of new recruits during the morning. I bet that our Treasurer had wished he’d stayed in bed, Phil was in demand all morning as more and more members used the opportunity to renew their memberships for next year.

The weather was perfect for top-down motoring, so the sports car fraternity and their convertible classmates were in their element. There were also coupes and sedans with vehicles ranging in age from vintage to prewar to classic to modern. There was certainly a wide selection of makes and models to inspect, making it difficult for the onlookers to select their favourite.

With such a tremendous turnout, we spilled out of the southern section of the carpark and into the area fronting Woolworths as well as onto the road side parking areas. The Sunday morning shoppers didn’t seem to be perturbed by our presence, many taking the time to admire the display and chat with the car owners.

This was our final Breakfast gathering for the year. We will resume at the same venue, same time on Sunday 12th January 2014. If you haven’t brought your special vehicle along to one of these events yet, make it a priority for 2014.

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2 Responses to DECEMBER BREAKFAST CLUB, Warragul CBD – Sunday 8th December

  1. Chris and Denise Mollison says:

    Merry Christmas to all and a very healthy happy 2014

  2. Andy Thorp says:

    Looked a brilliant turnout. Sorry the blue Ford and I missed it, but we did take a road trip with a long lost Yankee petrol head from Californy, went up to Victoria’s hot rod capital, Castlemaine, and took in 3 nice loud bands in the local Theatre, two of which were particularly good.
    Caught up with another petrol head mate with whom we were staying, and a fine old time was had by all. The Clevo purred like a kitten, apart from the always appropriate amount of roaring and bellowing, on occasion, and only required about 51 litres to full upon departure on the Sunday, from full at Nar Nar Goon on the way up, with a bit little bit of driving around whilst up there, as we were staying a few entertaining ks out of town. We did have to contend with a steam train crossing right near the house on the dirt road, which yes, was in use. Followed a few minutes behind by a Landcruiser driving on the rails. Their job was to follow along and make sure there were no fires from the train, as it habitually lights several fires every year.
    Merry Christmas one and all, and looking forward to motoring with you again in 2014, both myself and the dog. No show without Punch:)
    Well, Tippy actually.
    Stay safe on, and enjoy our roads folks.
    All the best,

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