WHRC display event

Monday, 13th June?and it didn?t rain! Well, pretty much so. The Warragul Harness Racing Club, via SR member Steve Austen, had invited us to attend their Queen?s Birthday race day, and to display our classic cars, which we did quite successfully. We had 48 members attend, bringing 29 cars, arranged in our own segregated display area. Vehicles ranged from Kombis to Mini; Jags to Chargers; Riley to BWMs, modern to older; and so forth ? a wonderfully varied group.

Lunch was a sit-down affair with a wonderful view across the track. The kitchen was somewhat overwhelmed by the numbers present so meals were some time arriving, but that gave more opportunity for socialising and wandering back outside to check out the cars, or off to the stables to see the horses. Some of our members had a dabble on the horses, but there were no reports of any windfall.

The $500 prize for ?best/desirable? car on display went to Richard and Joy Kaden, for their Charger 770. This is a quite incredible car as Richard was telling me it was 99% original ? he has replaced the exhaust system ? otherwise as he bought it. It is a straight, glossy vehicle with period fittings, and surprisingly, an almost-pristine white upholstery! A ?door? prize of a night?s accommodation was also won by Grace and Rod Smith, who attended the day in their lovely MGTC.

The outing was very successful, and the WHRC seemed thankful to have such a good turnout from our club. Perhaps we could do this again another time?

(NOTE: the photo with the ladies at the stables could be captioned: ‘Five fine fillies.’ This is probably preferable to the suggestion of ‘Five nags’ which is totally rude and won’t be mentioned here.)

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3 Responses to WHRC display event

  1. Stanley Hodgson says:

    Another great day outing with car club members. Thanks to Steve for invite and organising. Pleasent hard-working staff. I think we were all winners on the day.

  2. Stanley Hodgson says:

    Great day thanks Steve. Everyone a winner.

  3. Stanley Hodgson says:

    Great day thanks Steve we were all winners.

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